
“I will often say some very common things. But, if it was necessary to notice them in order to speak about others with more precision, I should not be ashamed to say them. Geniuses, who only say new things, if there are such geniuses, should not write for instruction. The great point is to be heard, and I only want to make a useful work.”

Etienne Bonnot de Condillac (1714-1780)

Since 2013 I have given various courses in economics and communication technologies. The main thing I learned along the way is that the best way – and arguably the only way – to truly understand something is to have to teach it. Here are the classes I gave in 2019-2020:

Digital Economics (ENG)

Economics of Arts (FR)

Introduction to Economics (FR)

International Economics (ENG)

Organization of World Trade (ENG)

Ethics of New Media (FR)

Ethics of Artificial Intelligence (FR)

English for Business